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Are you interested in middle east job vacancies? We are at your help. Today we are sharing a few of the vacancies in the middle east. Kindly read completely to know more about the openings in detail.
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Middle East job guarantees you a well-off living. Obviously, this is a golden opportunity for you.
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The idea of establishing Arabian Maize Company started in 2014, through several workshops to find high-demand products that exist as a key element in several industries. In this regard, several companies were contracted to study the idea, from which the idea became a reality. In 2016, they have contracted with companies specialized in the design of their factory and it was determined the companies that will be contracted to supply, equip and operate the factory. Arabian Maize Company aspires to build a strong economy structured on a firmly established basis away from traditional sources of income. This is done by starting a new business model and establish a sustainable partnership with major brands, which reflects on increasing Non-Oil output / GDP to achieve its highest levels aligning with 2030 vision.
Vacancies will be published in a specific format.
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in marketing, business or similar.
- SAP User
- 1-2 years experience.
Location : Arabian Maize Company- Jeddah
How to apply?
You can apply through the 'Apply Now' button or send CV to the given mail. The link over the job listing can also be used to apply directly.
As it is an international hiring, only eligible CVs may get replied.
Warning: Proceed with care and with own responsibility. technomobo.com is just an advertiser and not a recruitment agency.
If any agents are approaching for processing fee, we are not responsible.
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