Kids Malayalam Learning

Kids Malayalam Learning

ആപ്പ് ഡൗൻലോഡ് ചെയ്യാൻ താഴെയുള്ള Download Now എന്നതിൽ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക.
Kids Malayalam Learner and Voice Learning is an Educational Application.

Kids Malayalam Learner and Voice Learning is an Educational Application. For Kids to learn Malayalam language as well as pronouncing words.
Kids Malayalam Learner is also a fun way of learning new things, it is a complete kid learning book, it contains so many colorful pictures which will help the kids to understand the names as well as pronouncing words. In this Malayalam kids Learner will help to pronounce each word very easily. Kids can easily catch up each and every word. Each letter contains sound. In this Kids Malayalam Learner contain more than 300+ of different colorful pictures and words.
Kids can easily pronounce words.
Each letter contains sound
Kids learn to guess the object by looking at the pictures
All categories have high-quality images.
300+ words and colorful images.
Kids learn to guess the object by looking at the pictures

Different categories are included in it with more than 300 of different colorful pictures & words
1.Learning Soorasamharam with sound
1.Learning Vyanjanaksharam with sound
2. Learning Chillaksharam with sound 
2.Learning Numbers with sound
3.Learning Family Members names with pictures 
4.Learning Body Parts names with pictures
5.Learning Fruits names with colorful photos
6.Learning Vegetable's names with colorful photos
7.Learning Wild Animals names with pictures
8.Learning Domestic Animals names with pictures
10.Learning Insects Names with colorful photos
11.Learning Flowers Names with pictures
12.Learning Colors Names with pictures
13.Learning Transport spellings and pictures


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